According to census estimates, in roughly 20 years the United States will no longer by comprised of one majority population group. From a behavior analytic perspective, this suggests that successful relationships among multiculturally diverse staff and clients will require training culturally sensitive practitioners. This should be considered essential for the sustainability of our field. Hays (2016) developed a framework specifically designed to teach multicultural competence by identifying ten cultural variables to consider when working with diverse cultures. The ADDRESSING framework has been proposed for use among mental health and healthcare industries. We propose that the ADDRESSING Model would be more easily adopted once the behaviors associated with these 10 constructs have been defined with respect to the variables of which behavior is a function. In this presentation, we will operationally define ADDRESSING constructs and provide applicable examples to behavior analytic professionals working with diverse individuals. Implications for research and practice in behavior analysis will be discussed. This is not eligible for any CEU credits.
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